Harees, also known as Hareesa or Jareesh, is a traditional dish popular in the Middle East, particularly in the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and other Gulf countries. It is a hearty and comforting dish made from a combination of wheat and meat, usually chicken or lamb. Harees has a porridge-like consistency and is often enjoyed during special occasions, especially during the holy month of Ramadan. Here are some key aspects of Harees: Ingredients: The main ingredients of harees are wheat and meat. Whole or crushed wheat grains are soaked overnight and then cooked with meat (chicken or lamb) until they become soft and tender. The dish is typically seasoned with a blend of spices such as cardamom, cinnamon, and black pepper. Cooking Process: The wheat and meat are simmered together in water or broth for a long time until they break down and form a thick, smooth consistency. The mixture is often stirred continuously to ensure it doesn't stick...
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